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The Journey Starts

With A Single Letter.

Congratulations to our 2018 Winner

Cassie Rust

Winning Word: babuina


This is Cassie's 5th regional level bee and the second time to go to the National Spelling Bee in Washington DC (the previous time was 2015 through the Utah Valley Spelling Bee).


Her secret help was a spelling quiz website she developed that allowed her to go through the 1000+ word list in a little over an hour each night and add thousands of more words for her to practice against.

Every year, a speller (or two!) is declared the Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion. Their journeys started just like your child's – at home or in a classroom across America.

-Scripps Nation Spelling Bee


The City Journals honors the Scripps National Spelling Bee tradition by hosting the Northern Utah Regional Spelling Bee.  We provide students from the Weber, Davis, Salt Lake and Utah Counties the opportunity to experience an educational challenge to be the top speller in the region. Then we send them to represent us in the National Spelling Bee in Washington DC.


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